Title: Free Bird Prompt: Chickadee Fandom: Original Artwork Rating: G Artist notes: This was painted in Photoshop. The title is the same as the Lynyrd Skynyrd song.
Title: Bends Like a Willow Prompt: Weeping Willow Fandom: Original Artwork Rating: G Artist notes: This was painted in Photoshop. The title is the same as the Jethro Tull song.
Title: A Kind of Magic Prompt: Flower Crown Fandom: Original Artwork Rating: G Artist notes: This was painted in Photoshop. The title is the same as Queen's song.
Title: Breathe (In The Air) Prompt: Bunny Fandom: Original Artwork Rating: G Artist notes: This was painted in Photoshop. The title is the same as Pink Floyd's song.
Title: Holy Lamb (Song for Harmonic Convergence) Prompt: Free Space (I chose “Lamb” for this prompt) Fandom: Original Artwork Rating: G Artist notes: This was painted in Photoshop. The title is the same as Yes' song.
Title: Foxy Lady Prompt: Fox Fandom: Original Artwork Rating: G Artist notes: This was painted in Photoshop. The title is the same as Jimi Hendrix's song.
Title: The Black Angel’s Death Song Prompt: Feathers Fandom: Original Artwork Rating: G Artist notes: This was painted in Photoshop. The title is the same as The Velvet Underground's song.
Title: Who Are You? Prompt: Owl Fandom: Original Artwork Rating: G Artist notes: This was painted in Photoshop. The title is the same as The Who's song.
Title: Good Day, Sunshine Prompt: Dog Fandom: Original Artwork Rating: G Artist notes: This was painted in Photoshop. The title is the same as the Beatles' song.
This month's bingo at allbingo is Spring fest! I think I'm going to try & do art for all the boxes. XD I haven't done any art in a while, so why not? :D